The Best Sleep of Your Life


Quality sleep is crucial in establishing health and wellness. The body undergoes most of its healing and recovery while asleep, since other demands that usually require energy such as physical activity and digestion are minimized during this time. Obtaining quality sleep is vital for immune function, physical recovery, and mental rest. Unfortunately, many people struggle with falling and/or staying asleep, which negatively impacts quality of life. There are numerous factors that have the potential to disrupt sleep, including unmanaged stress, hormone imbalances, and blood sugar dysregulation. A naturopathic approach to insomnia involves resolving the underlying causes responsible for sleep disruption. While these are different for each individual, some general strategies can be implemented to assist in restoring consistent quality sleep.

Establish a Consistent Circadian Rhythm

The body thrives while operating in a consistent pattern. Waking at approximately the same time each morning, and going to bed around the same time each evening is one method of strengthening this rhythm. Keeping mealtimes and exercise regimens consistent offers further benefit. The body releases certain hormones at different times of the day that affect our energy and sleep. Having a regular routine establishes healthy rhythms for the body that line up with hormones that are being secreted internally. 

Effectively Manage Stress

Stress is one of the most common factors affecting sleep. With increased stress, the body and mind have a harder time winding down at bedtime. Higher stress over a prolonged period of time can affect how the body regulates cortisol, one of the main stress hormones. Ideally, cortisol is highest in the morning, providing energy for the day, and lowest in the evening, allowing for a restful sleep. If this rhythm is out of balance, cortisol can spike in the evening, providing an inappropriate burst of energy, when the body is actually tired and needing rest. There are many effective strategies for managing stress, such as grounding exercises, relaxation techniques, meditation, exercise, music, and medicinal herbs in the nervine and adaptogen families, which calm the nervous system and help the body adapt to stress.

Avoid Electronics Before Bed

The light from most cell phones, computers, and TVs interferes with melatonin production, which plays a major role in triggering the onset of sleep. The content from these devices is often significantly stimulating as well, raising cortisol when it would naturally be dropping. If complete avoidance is not possible, a filter can be helpful in reducing the amount of blue light exposure, and care can be taken to avoid higher-stimulating activities.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol has a calming effect on the body initially, but once it wears off there is a rebound effect that makes it much harder to stay asleep throughout the night. Even during the initial period of sleep that may occur after consuming alcohol, the quality of sleep is poor, and does not provide a rested sensation in the morning.

Balance Female Hormones

Progesterone is known as one of the calming female hormones, and a deficiency can lead to sleep disturbance. Perimenopause is a common scenario involving a progesterone decline, as female hormone production from the ovaries begins to shift. Hormone balance can play a role in sleep prior to menopause as well, and a sign that progesterone is involved is if sleep tends to worsen just before the onset of menstruation, when progesterone naturally drops as part of the monthly female cycle. There are various avenues for balancing female hormones, including diet, lifestyle, herbs, nutrients, and hormone therapy. Interestingly, the oral form of bioidentical progesterone converts into additional relaxing metabolites in the body.

If you struggle with insomnia, please reach out to a healthcare practitioner who is open to discussing the effects of diet, lifestyle, hormones, and stress on sleep, in order to get the rest you need and energy you deserve.


Disclaimer: this information is meant to be general and for informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult a licensed healthcare practitioner for personal medical care and prior to starting new treatment.

Caitlan Gignac